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We do not accept any cancellation after order has been confirmed. We do not accept exchanges or returns.

If the product delivered is damaged or defected, please contact us by emailing our Customer Service team at with the information regarding the conditions within 3 days of receipt. Please note that before providing a refund for any returned product we will first verify its condition.

All items undergo comprehensive quality control and are checked for damage before they are sent to customers. Should you receive an item that is not in perfect condition, please contact us immediately by emailing our Customer Service team.


Please ensure that the packaging remains the same, otherwise it will call into question whether the item was actually used and damaged at that time. After checking, we will issue a replacement or refund. Shipping costs on faulty or damaged items/replacements will not be charged after the initial delivery.

Re:store reserves the right to request photographic support regarding defective/damaged item before authorizing a return.

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